
Here you will find the latest plugin configuration file.

#                                                                                        #
#       ____  __                     _       __           __    __     ____              #
#      / __ \/ /___ ___  _____  ____| |     / /___  _____/ /___/ /____/ __ \_________    #
#     / /_/ / / __ `/ / / / _ \/ ___/ | /| / / __ \/ ___/ / __  / ___/ /_/ / ___/ __ \   #
#    / ____/ / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ /   | |/ |/ / /_/ / /  / / /_/ (__  ) ____/ /  / /_/ /   #
#   /_/   /_/\__,_/\__, /\___/_/    |__/|__/\____/_/  /_/\__,_/____/_/   /_/   \____/    #
#                 /____/                                                                 #
#                                                                                        #
#                          Thank you for purchasing the plugin!                          #
#                                                                                        #
#                                  Created by: Heroify                                   #

  # The prefix of the World Name
  World-Prefix: 'PlayerWorldsPro_'
  # Should a player teleport to the player world after creating a player world?
  Teleport-On-Create: true
  # Should a player respawn in the player world?
  Respawn: true
  # Should the Nether and the End portals be enabled?
  Portals: true
  # All player worlds load on startup.
  Load-On-Startup: true
    # How many player worlds can be created at the same time?
    # Bypass permission: PlayerWorldsPro.bypass.limit
    Limit: -1
    # If false, chunks of the world will not be kept in memory. They are resulting in less memory used by your server when players aren't logged in.
    Keep-Spawn-In-Memory: false
    # If true, the chunks will be loaded/generated asynchronously before teleporting.
    # Note: You need to use PaperMC (PaperSpigot).
    Teleport: false
    # Player world will be unloaded if there is no player in it.
      Enabled: false
      # Time in seconds after which the empty world will be unloaded.
      Delay: 0

# Messages that appear when a player joins or leaves from the player world.
  Enabled: true
  # If a player with the permission: PlayerWorldsPro.bypass.JoinAndLeaveMSG joins or leaves from a player world, no message will be displayed to anyone.
  Bypass: false

# You can also turn on the expiration of player worlds.
  # You need to have an economy plugin to turn on.
  Enabled: false
  # Expiration Format
  Format: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm'
  # Warning to the player that the player world he is currently in is about to expire.
  # If the expiration date of the player world is less than a certain number of days, a notification to the player will be displayed.
  Remind: 7

# Time in seconds before a player can create a player's world since the last creation.
  Enabled: true
  Interval: 60

# New players can create a free player world for a certain number of days.
# Note:You must turn on Expiration first
  Enabled: false
  # Length of expiration in days
  Length: 7

# Here, you will find commands that will trigger a specific action.
# Available variables:
#  %owner% - get the owner of the player world
#  %world% - get the name of the world
  # Create a world dimension in a player world
    # This dimension is always created when a player world is created.
      Enabled: false
        - 'say %owner% created world %world%!'
        - 'pwi group addworld %world% %world%'
      Enabled: false
        - 'say %owner% created world %world%!'
        - 'pwi group addworld %world% %world%'
      Enabled: false
        - 'say %owner% created world %world%!'
        - 'pwi group addworld %world% %world%'
  # Delete player world
    Enabled: false
      - 'say %owner% deleted world %world%!'
      - 'pwi group removeworld %world% %world%'
      - 'pwi group removeworld %world% %world%_nether'
      - 'pwi group removeworld %world% %world%_the_end'
      - 'pwi group delete %world%'

# These settings set when the player world created.
  # Change of weather
  WeatherCycle: true
  # Difficulty:
  Difficulty: HARD
  # Enable or Disable breaking blocks of players.
  Block-Breaking: true
  # Enable or Disable placing blocks of players.
  Block-Placing: true
  # Enable or Disable PVP
  PvP: true
  # Enable or Disable Pickup items
  Item-Pickup: true
  # Enable or Disable Drop items
  Drop-Item: true
  # Enable or Disable Player Damage
  Player-Damage: true
  # Enable or Disable Hunger
  Hunger: true
  # Enable or Disable interaction with Bucket
  Bucket: true
  # Enable or Disable opening of chests, furnaces, etc...
  Container: true
  # Default game mode for players:
  GameMode: SURVIVAL
  # Here, you can set the privacy of the player world.
  Access: PRIVATE
  # Size of the World Border
  # Use number -1 for the default size of the World Border.
  World-Border: 5000

# Thanks to pre-built maps, players can create a player world from already finished maps.
# It's great to use for SkyBlock, SkyGrid and other maps, for example.
    # Pre-built-Maps:
    #   'First_Map':
    #     Overworld: 'SkyBlock_world'
    #     Nether: 'SkyBlock_nether'
    #     End: 'SkyBlock_the_end'
# You can also use pre-built map for Overworld only. (Or for other dimensions)
    #   'Second_Map':
    #     Overworld: 'SkyGrid_world'
Pre-built-Maps: {}

# You can set your custom world generators:
    # Custom-Generators:
    #   'First_Generator':
    #     Overworld: 'Your_Overworld_Generator'
    #     Nether: 'Your_Nether_Generator'
    #     End: 'Your_End_Generator'
# You can also use Custom Generators for Overworld only. (Or for other dimensions)
    #   'Second_Generator':
    #     Overworld: 'Your_Overworld_Generator'
Custom-Generators: {}

# Here you can enable or disable permissions.
# False - A player doesn't need permission
# True - Player needs permission
  # If true, a player with PlayerWorldsPro.bypass.PlayerCount permission and the game mode Spectator will not be counted in the number of players in the world.
  Player-Count: false
  # Create any player world: PlayerWorldsPro.createWorld
  Create-World: false
  # Delete any player world: PlayerWorldsPro.deleteWorld
  Delete-World: false
  # Extend any player world: PlayerWorldsPro.extendWorld
  Extend-World: false
    # Create normal player world: PlayerWorldsPro.createWorld.normal
    Normal: false
    # Create flat player world: PlayerWorldsPro.createWorld.flat
    Flat: false
    # Create empty player world: PlayerWorldsPro.createWorld.empty
    Empty: false
    # Create a player world with pre-built maps: PlayerWorldsPro.createWorld.preBuiltMaps
    Pre-built-Maps: false
    # Create player world with custom generator: PlayerWorldsPro.createWorld.customGenerators
    Custom-Generators: false
  # Change time of player world: PlayerWorldsPro.changeTime
  Change-Time: false
  # Change weather of player world: PlayerWorldsPro.changeWeather
  Change-Weather: false
  # Change difficulty of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.changeDifficulty
  Change-Difficulty: false
  # Set spawn location of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.setSpawn
  Set-Spawn-Location: false
  # Edit Block Breaking of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.editBlockBreaking
  Block-Breaking: false
  # Edit Block Placing of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.editBlockPlacing
  Block-Placing: false
  # Edit PvP of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.editPvP
  PvP: false
    # Change the world border of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.worldBorder
    Enabled: false
    # Set maximum World Border size
    # Define here the maximum World Border size for which permissions are needed: PlayerWorldsPro.bypass.WorldBorder.<maximum_size>
    # If the maximum size is defined as 5000, the player will need permissions: PlayerWorldsPro.bypass.WorldBorder.5000
    # You have to set the maximum size of world border from largest to smallest!
    # EXAMPLE:
    # Max-Size:
    #   - '5000'
    #   - '3000'
    #   - '1000'
    Max-Size: {}
  # Edit Item Pickup of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.editItemPickup
  Item-Pickup: false
  # Edit Drop Item of the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.editDropItem
  Drop-Item: false
  # Edit Player Damage: PlayerWorldsPro.editPlayerDamage
  Player-Damage: false
  # Edit Hunger: PlayerWorldsPro.editHunger
  Hunger: false
  # Edit Bucket: PlayerWorldsPro.editBucket
  Bucket: true
  # Edit Container: PlayerWorldsPro.editContainer
  Container: true
  # Change Game Mode of Player: PlayerWorldsPro.changeGameMode
  Change-GameMode: false
  # Change default Game Mode of player world: PlayerWorldsPro.changeGameMode.default
  Change-Default-GameMode: false
  # Teleport player in the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.teleport
  Teleport: false
  # Enable or disable flying of a player in the player world:
  Fly: false
  # Change access of player world: PlayerWorldsPro.access
  Access: false
  # Kick player from the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.kick
  Kick: false
  # Ban or unban player from the player world: PlayerWorldsPro.ban
  Ban: false

# Here, you can customize menus.
  # Basic GUI configuration
    # Hides a item if the player does not have permission.
    Hide-Without-Permission: false
    # Shows only player worlds to which the player has access.
    Show-Only-Joinable-Worlds: true

      # Slot
        # Length of expiration in days
        Length: 7
        # Price per purchase
        Price: 300
        Length: 14
        Price: 600
        Length: 30
        Price: 1200

        Length: 7
        Price: 300
        Length: 14
        Price: 600
        Length: 30
        Price: 1200

Last updated